Sunday, February 8, 2009

Too Heavy for Speed?

During NFL Combine training, its always interesting to see some guys get freaked out when they gain weight. They are sure they can't weigh over XXX lbs or else they won't be fast.

Now I'm proud of the results we get with our guys in the area of body composition. We have most guys shed significant bodyfat while gaining muscle. Providing proper nutrients, at the proper time, to young healthy (college starved) muscles that are in need of good nutrition makes it easy. Our apporach is very close to the methods promoted by Dr. John Berardi. Read some of his articles for more info.

This does lead most of our players to gain some weight. Its usually only a couple of pounds total, but its the change in composition that is dramatic. We had one player who recently hit 250 after having been no heavier than 248 ever. Now he has dropped 15 lbs of fat, but added 17 of lean tissue. That 250 mark really had him worried. The same week, he set PRs in his 5-10-5,1yd, VJ, 3cone, and 20-40yd split. He's not as worried now.

By following sound nutrition principles these athletes are putting on muscle. Because of the training methods, its fast twitch, explosive muscle. Just as importantly good nutrition lets themtrain harder when they are going 2-3 times a day. To get quality speed work, they have to have quality fuel.

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