- Attitude
- Approach
- Strategy
- Tactics
- Execution
In coaching terms your Approach are the broad strokes. What are the fundamental things you believe in for preapring athletes? Do you believe in training movement? Max Strength? Core training? Corrective exercise? Heart rate based cardio programs? Do you believe in developing general athleticism or sport specific skills?
I started as a sport coach, then an Olympic weightlifting coach, spent time learning as a track coach, and today I am a sports performance coach. For myself, after a winding road of influences, time in the trenches, and scientific research, I believe in training movement and developing physical capacity. Training movement means different things to different coaches, for me it means both "technique" training and guided skill acquistion.
There are many coaches who don't believe in "technical" training for movement. They generally fall into two camps;
- Just get strong and explosive because technique training is a waste of time
- Just do the drills fast and athletes figure it out
Sports are dynamic and the task constraints of reactions, opponents, surfaces, fatigue, and more are always slightly different. The best performers can actually create the dsired movement outcome, without using the exact same kinetics and kinematics. Thats what makes them better athletes. Its the athlete that is stuck in only one streotypical movement pattern that falls apart come game time. While there are ranges of kinetic and kinematic parameters that create a technical model for speed and agility, maybe they aren't as rigid as some coaches think.
Speed and agility are often taught by making every athlete conform to the exact same technical model. Drill after drill is done to teach the athlete to perform in this way. That can work fine if it truly fits the constraints. Environmentally, thats easy when they are sprinting on a track or field without reactions, tactics, or opponents.
- Technical drills to develop movement patterns and build kinesthetic awareness
- Training drills designed at inducing a physiological, neurological and/or metabolic training effect
- Applied drills that allow the athlete to develop movement solutions in a dynamic envornment by applying the movements trained
I also see problems when we have an athlete do nothing but movement training, and no development of strength, power and other physical qualities. Of course they improve with movement training, but they will plateau as well. There are limits to improvement that relate back to their strength & power to bodyweight ratios.
So by learning from successful coaches, coaching on the track and in the weightroom, doing the research, and most important, spending years actually coaching real athletes of all levels and ages, I came to my APPROACH.
- Train movement skills with a combination of technical, training effect and applied drills to guide the athletes to their optimal movement strategy.
- Develop the athletes capacities for strength & power.