Thursday, January 22, 2009

Acceleration bounds

I have always been a big fan of acceleration bounds. In this drill we get to help the athlete focus on developing a big force, emphasize driving in the proper direction, and can help reinforce the development of an optimal range of motion.

We did this today with our athletes getting ready for the NFL combine. This athlete is a defensive back and is very fast on his maximum velocity. However, since he is also so quick he often takes a lot of fast steps with no force production in his first 10. This drill is particulary good for him because it helps him reinforce an emphasis on power production instead of just fast. In this case he is doing a bound for a few strides and transitions into a sprint.

He actually does this drill in contrast with a 3pt stance start where he tries to carryover the longer stride and greater force production. Using it in contrast really helps to reinforce the focus into the applied motion.

Doing this helped him instantly drop his 10yd time by 0.11 seconds. He changed the entire rythmn of his first 10. Not only is this time better, its setting up a better progression through the entire 40. Now we just have to continue to train and reinforce so he does it at the NFL Combine when the pressure is on.

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